Painting and Drawing Workshops
Hosted by Adrian Mesino Illustration
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Freehand Drawing
Freehand Drawing can be done with only a pencil, paper, and eraser. It is portable and its skills can be applied to virtually any surface with the right mark-making tool. New techniques and technologies help those who draw achieve impressive effects with simple drawing instruments. Freehand drawing improves hand-eye coordination and develops sensitivity to values, proportion, scale, perspective, and composition.
Core Skills
Material - Gradual control over a full range of values and marks in graphite and ink.
Technique - Use fundamental skills to build strong drawings that archive an effect.
Composition - The composition is well selected for the dimensions of the canvas.
Presentation - The drawing is free of distracting lines and marks.
Technique - Use fundamental skills to build strong drawings that archive an effect.
Composition - The composition is well selected for the dimensions of the canvas.
Presentation - The drawing is free of distracting lines and marks.

Drawing Tips
1. Drawing with a light hand avoids deep tearing on the paper's surface preventing unwanted marks that cannot be erased from building up.
2. Drawing with a loose wrist and little pressure will also lessen the stress on your wrist and art. Resting your body weight on one arm is not recommended and could restrict blood flow and cause fatigue.
3. Drawing vertically will help keep your arms elevated and lessen the stress on your back and neck. If you are a lefty, drawing vertically will help elevate your arm from the surface, preventing smudging and oil from the arm and hand from contaminating the surface.
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